The main site for community composting is at Staveley Primary School. Children can choose to spend some of their lunchtimes working with their local Master Composter, who is trained and supported by Garden Organic. Each class has had sessions on composting and there are compost caddies in each classroom and in the dining area.
Children who are ‘Compost Champions’ deposit contents into Dalek bins – one in the playground for fruit snack waste, paper, pencil shavings and gardening debris, and another on the lane between the upper school and church, where parents and others can contribute. Leaflets are available above the bins to explain what can and can’t go in them.
Composting organic waste helps to reduce carbon emissions caused by transporting waste to landfill, and cuts school costs of buying packaged commercial compost. With our Grant funding from Westmorland & Furness Council, we hope to install a Hotbin for composting cooked kitchen waste, and to demonstrate to local cafes what they could achieve.