Why donate to Sustainable Staveley?
Our work relies on income from grants and donations. By donating to us, you’re helping to deliver practical projects that directly benefit Staveley with Ings residents, wildlife and the local area – from campaigning to protect the river Kent to securing funding for local ‘green’ projects and delivering workshops, talks and events. Discover our projects.
Find out more about the different ways to donate below. Any donation, however small, is very much appreciated.
If you’re unable to donate just now but you’d like to support us in another way, here’s how you can get involved.
Could you set up a monthly or annual standing order? Just £2-4 per month could make a huge difference to what we can achieve.
Your donations could:
- allow us to buy equipment to continue our citizen science work
- help to keep our Skills & Repair Café running
- allow us to run workshops and events
- be used to maintain and improve local green spaces
You can donate using our bank details below. Please remember to add your name as a reference.
The Co-operative Bank
Account no: 65279669
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Make your love for Staveley live on into the future. By leaving a gift in your Will, you can help to protect our community and local environment, preserve Staveley’s green spaces, support young people with their own futures and help to mitigate against the effects of climate change.
If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch at senstaveley@gmail.com
Donating to Sustainable Staveley is a wonderful way to remember someone you love and support a cause they believed in.
Sustainable Staveley would be honoured to receive your ‘in memory’ donations. If you’d like any advice on how to donate in memory of a loved one, please get in touch at senstaveley@gmail.com
We’re happy to discuss how your donation could be used, for instance, to fund a particular project, campaign or practical activity.
Hosting a bake-off or climbing Helvellyn? Take on a challenge to help raise money for Sustainable Staveley (and have plenty of fun at the same time). You could do it as an individual or get friends, family or colleagues involved.
Make sure you set up a fundraising page by using a platform like Facebook Donate and JustGiving.
If you’d like to have a chat about what you could do to fundraise, please get in touch. Or if you’ve already got a challenge in mind and you’d like to get the word out, let us know! Email us at senstaveley@gmail.com