
A collection of our short films produced with local filmmakers, many of which feature local residents. Watch to find out more about the environmental and climate-related issues facing our community, and the people working to make a difference. These films are also a celebration of the people who make our area so special.

Biodiversity 2020

An animated film produced by local film maker Liz Gilson with support from SENS, and narrated by writer & environmentalist Kate Rawles.

Sustainable Staveley films (2018)

We released several films across summer 2018, starting with ‘In Good Heart’ on farming and ‘Blades Will Sprout’ on allotments, ‘Young Voices of Staveley’ and ‘Making and Doing’, ‘Making Dens’ on housing and Creative Connections on Staveley Carnival. The main grant for this project came from Locally Important Projects (LIP) funding, via South Lakeland District Council.

Our remit was to produce a set of films and to engage in discussions within the community on sustainability matters, to contribute to a vision of Staveley in the Future. The aim was to use talented local film-makers who already had an understanding of climate change issues and were prepared to work with the local community to produce something creative and challenging, to provoke discussions and action in the future.

In Good Heart

A short film by Land and Sky Media, featuring an interview with farmer Adam Crowe, reflecting on sustainability and the future on farming in an uncertain world.

Creative Connections

A short film by Land and Sky Media about Staveley’s unique creative community, from the new bridge opening ceremony to the extraordinary carnival.

Blades Will Sprout

A short film by Sarah Thomas, reflecting on the redevelopment of the village’s allotments and the green-fingered growers who sustain them.

Young voices of Staveley

The pupils of Staveley School discuss their village, the issues that matter to them and their vision for the future in this short film by Jon Randall.

Making and doing

Two intrepid reporters set out to discover how their village is preparing for the future in this short film by Land and Sky Media.

Making dens

Two Staveley residents offer their thoughts on achieving the right mix of housing types to meet the needs of different people and ensure a vibrant, sustainable community.

Wearable Arts (2015)

This project came about after a weekend course run by Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT). The communities involved were encouraged to use the arts and creativity to get the messages of climate change and sustainability out to a wider audience.

A pilot series of three films were commissioned in October 2015 around the Wearable Arts event in Staveley, which was themed around ‘our changing climate’.